Wednesday April 10, 2013
The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Transports and Works
Pine East-West Boulevard
St. Michael
Dear Sir,
Re: Request for Installation of Traffic Lights and of Pedestrian Crossings by Highway 2A / Westmoreland / Waterhall Junction and Along Sion Hill / Upper Carlton / Bakers Sections of Highway 2A Respectively
I write this letter on behalf of my constituents in Westmoreland, Sion Hill, Water Hall, Upper Carlton in Saint James and Bakers in Saint Peter.
Many of my constituents who reside in these areas have expressed grave concern on the following issues:-
1) The need for traffic lights to be installed and be operated at the Highway 2A / Westmoreland / Waterhall junction;
2) The need for pedestrian crossings further north of that junction along Highway 2A in the Upper Carlton, Sion Hill and Bakers Road.
In the first instance, vehicular traffic emerging from Westmoreland unto Highway 2A or attempting to go straight across the highway to Waterhall / Apes Hill has tremendous difficulty in so doing during peak hour traffic periods. This is also the case where vehicular traffic emerging from Waterhall / Apes Hill attempts to turn onto Highway 2A or travel west across the highway into Westmoreland.
Consequently, more vehicular accidents occur at this junction that ought to be the case.
In the second instance, it is of prime significance that this area is quite heavily populated and comprises a primary school, Gordon Greenidge Primary School, and a nursery, St. Boniface Nursery. Both young children going to school and adults traversing the highway to, for example, go to the bus stops have great difficulty in so doing, particularly during peak-hours.
I, therefore, write kindly requesting your Ministry to address these areas the very near and foreseeable future to the benefits of the affected residents.
I thank you in advance for you co-operation on these matters.
Wednesday April 10, 2013
Re: Request for Installation of Traffic Lights and of Pedestrian Crossings by Highway 2A / Westmoreland / Waterhall Junction and Along Sion Hill / Upper Carlton / Bakers Sections of Highway 2A Respectively
Yours faithfully,
Edmund G. Hinkson, M.P.
Member of Parliament – St. James North
CC. The Hon. Mr. Michael A. Lashley, M.P., Minister of Transport and Works
Ministry of Transport and Works
Mr. Virgil Knight
Chief Technical Officer
Ministry of Transport and Works
Mr. Randolph Outram
Rural Development Commission
Mrs. Sonia Thompson-Alleyne
St. James North Constituency Council
The Residents of Saint James North